
About Us

Our story

The National Deep Inference Fabric (NDIF) is supported by a generous grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation. It is developed by a team at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, building upon many scientific contributions and collaborations from around the country and worldwide.

The computing capacity behind NDIF comes from Delta AI, an NSF computing infrastructure project developed by NCSA at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The community of NDIF users is being devloped and supported in partnership with the Public Interest Technology University Network, a consortium of 63 universities and colleges.

Contact us

The best way to get in touch is to join our community; fill out the form here, and we will send you an invitation to the NDIF discord. You can also send us email inquires at

NDIF Team Members


David Bau

Director and PI of NDIF, David Bau is assistant professor at Northeastern University in the Khoury School of Computer Sciences, and he oversees the overall direction and success of NDIF. His research investigates the structure and interpretation of large-scale machine learned models such as large language models and diffusion models. Prior to his academic work, he worked in industry for over 20 years at several companies including Google and Microsoft.


Sumeet Multani

Project Manager of NDIF, Sumeet Multani oversees the schedule, scope, and budget of NDIF. Prior to his work at Northeasten and NDIF, Multani served as technical program manager at Google, TripAdvisor, and Akamai Technology. He is a licensed PMP, and he holds a Masters degree in Computer Systems Networking from Northeastern University.


Byron Wallace

Byron Wallace, co-PI of NDIF, is associate professor at Northeastern University in the Khoury School of Computer Sciences, and he ensures that the NDIF service design achieves goals for enabling impactful machine-learning research. Professor Wallace's research is in natural language processing and machine learning, with an emphasis on applications for health.


Arjun Guha

Arjun Guha, co-PI of NDIF, is associate professor at Northeastern University in the Khoury School of Computer Sciences, and he is responsible for establishing and liasing with the External Advisory Board for NDIF. Professor Guha's research is in programming language, systems, and software engineering, and his lab has been active in code LLM research including contributing to StarCoder.


Jonathan Bell

Jonathan Bell, co-PI of NDIF, is assistant professor at Northeastern University in the Khoury School of Computer Sciences, and he oversees open-source community engagement and processes for NDIF. Professor Bell's research is in software engineering and software systems, and includes research in open-source continuous integration, fuzz testing, and secure software supply chains.


Carla Brodley

Carla Brodley, co-PI of NDIF, is the Dean of Inclusive Computing at Northeastern University and the founding executive director for the Center for Inclusive Computing, and she oversees NDIF training, outreach and knowledge transfer to the broader research, education, and business communities, and serves as liason to PIT-UN. Professor Brodley served as the dean of Khoury College of Computer Sciences from 2014-2021.


Jaden Fiotto-Kaufman

Jaden Fiotto-Kaufman, principal software engineer for NDIF, leads our engineering development effort. Prior to his role at NDIF, he served as a Senior Scientist at Raytheon BBN Technologies.

Our Partners

The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is building the Delta AI cluster, an expansion of the Delta cluster, which is the largest GPU computing resource in the NSF HPC portfolio. Delta AI is tailored to large-scale AI workloads, and it will provide the computing capacity behind NDIF.

New America organizes PIT-UN, a consortium of 63 universities and colleges that study and apply technology expertise to advance the public interest. PIT-UN will work with NDIF to build and support a broad community of users across geographies, institutions, and communities, and from every field of study touched by artificial intelligence.